Newly diagnosed?

If you or your child have been diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease, it’s vital to have access to the right information and advice. We’re here to help and support you and your family.

A specialized hospital without beds

RCFM is a rehabilitation hospital without beds founded by the patient organization Muskelsvindfonden. Individuals and families who live with neuromuscular diseases can get life-long counseling and guidance from us. We also offer information about neuromuscular diseases and their implications to your or you child’s health care providers, school, workplace, etc.

RCFM’s team of counsellors is made up of doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, nurses and psychologists

The center is recognized as a specialized unit for neuromuscular rehabilitation by the Danish Ministry of Health. We are funded by the Danish regions, and our services are free of charge for our patients. RCFM don’t make diagnoses or carry out treatments.

To get help from RCFM, you must ask your hospital physician or your family doctor for a referral.

How can RCFM help me?

Here you can read about some of the services provided by RCFM. Whenever you need help with something related to your or your child’s diagnosis, you’re welcome to contact us. Sometimes the problem can be solved over the phone, sometimes it’s better to meet face to face.

Where can I find information about my diagnosis in my own language?

TREAT-NMD is an international network of clinicians, scientists, patient advocacy groups and the biomedical industry that aims to accelerate the development of research and therapy, increase international collaboration, and improve patient care.

On the TREAT-NMD website, you can find information about the neuromuscular disease and their development, family-friendly guides to diagnosis and treatment in several languages, and news about research. You can also find information about patient organizations in different countries.


RCFM collaborates with TREAT-NMD on its global registries. With the consent of our patients, we send disease information to the registries in which clinicians, scientists and the biomedical industry can find eligible participants for clinical trials to test new drugs and treatments.


Suggested reading

  • About us

    Read about RCFM, its history, services and research

    Læs mere

Vi er et højt specialiseret hospital for muskelsvind.

Vi tror på, at de bedste rammer for livet med muskelsvind skabes, når vi ser det hele menneske i et livslangt perspektiv. Derfor er vores brugere altid i centrum.  

Vi deler specialviden med mennesker med muskelsvind, deres familier og fagpersonerVi arbejder på tværs af fagligheder og sektorgrænser. 

Vi er udsprunget af Muskelsvindfonden, men er en selvstændig enhed finansieret af regionerne. 

Kontakt os

Tlf: +45 8948 2222

CVR-nr: 88502728

Kongsvang Allé 23
DK-8000 Aarhus C
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Blekinge Boulevard 2, 1.sal
DK-2630 Taastrup